Step 1 : Preparing the ingredients

  • Lightly press the tofu block between your hands over the sink, to get rid of as much water as possible, then wrap in paper towels and set aside.

  • Put the soy sauce, brown rice syrup, garlic, ginger, pear, spring onion whites, sesame oil, gochujang and two tablespoons of water in a bowl and whisk to mix. Unwrap the tofu from the kitchen paper and cut widthways into ¾cm-thick slices.

Step 2 : Preparing the cooking

  • Heat up two tablespoons of the rapeseed oil in a large frying pan over a medium heat, and have ready a large plate by the side of the cooker.

  • Fry the mushrooms in batches, so that each slice can touch the base of the pan (otherwise they’ll sweat, rather than fry), until they turn golden – each batch should take about five minutes – then transfer to the plate and repeat with the remaining mushrooms.

  • Coat the bottom of the pan with the remaining rapeseed oil, then fry the tofu for about four minutes, turning once, until golden on both sides.

  • Tip the mushrooms back into the pan, stir in the soy and gochujang, and cook for five minutes, until the sauce has reduced and coated everything.

Step 3 : Garnish

Sprinkle over the chopped spring onion greens and serve with rice.

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